Thursday, February 26, 2009


Back to the pediatrician today. Sophie is:

  • back up over her birthweight; check, good job Marianne & Sophie, don't stop what you're doing.
  • Infant Jaundice is very minor/low. Nothing necessary, maybe buy some Vitamin D drops and give her one drop per day.

Sophie brings up the odd burp of milk after feeding now and then. I keep telling her not to worry about it and that if I drank that much milk, 100% of the time, I'd be puking milk all over the place!

Sophie went by Dad's office today (Mom needed some cash) and we introduced her to the branch. Her commentary on the markets/economy is as follows:

  • Sees the price of baby food remaining stable throughout economic downturn
  • Is not worried about Canadian housing prices especially since she expects to stay put in her current digs for a long while
  • Thinks openning up an RESP and investing in allocations towards more cash, gold, gov't bonds is most appropriate
  • Recommends and sees growth in Stroller Manufacturing sector

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