Sunday, October 4, 2009

7 Month Update

Wow, it has been a long time since this blog has been updated. Life has been so busy with work, keeping the house, and the two ladies in it happy. Work on the house includes getting our shower faucets changed to a modern on that works, and then re-tiling the 50 year old tile to seal things back up again. New windows, getting a new roof soon, and doing some insulation work in our garage to keep the rooms above it toasty warm.

Below are a few pictures of Sophie. Lately she is crawling forward with strength and direction, usually to some fixture where she can now PULL herself up to standing position. Now she likes to STAND anywhere she can, and however she can get to this position. Pulling up on a couch, some boxes, a chair, someone's body, anything goes. Just get me standing:

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