Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Going Home

On Sunday Feb. 22nd, the sun shone her rosy fingers into our room where Sophie, Marianne, and Chris slept for a full 5 hours. Sophie not yet one full day old, shared her first post natal day with Allan G's 65th birthday. The three of us would have loved to attend your birthday party at which I'm told glasses were raised and toasts given to little Sophie and her "Grandad". Happy Birthday Dad, and looking forward to sharing many more birthday's with you and Sophie together!

Marianne on her feet, Dad changing diapers, and Sophie doing some initial feedings, both Marianne & I felt immeditely like we must be superstar parents... ;) As the day came to a close the hospital staff got us closer and closer to hand us discharge papers and turn us out into the world on our own. I have to say, the warmth and sauna like character of the hospital room where refreshments, food, help, and encouragement all seemed like a good place to stay for an extra day or two...but by 4.30pm, we were on our way.

Sophie got strapped in her fancy new carseat, both parents dressed again and we were all ready for the car ride home. Here is some picture & video documentation...

1 comment:

Rahul said...

She's an angel. Can't wait to meet her.

I'm so proud of you guys. :)